- "Articles that no longer meet the standards for becoming a Good Article can and will have their Good Article status stripped by the administrators."
- ―These requirements
Bad idea...very, very bad. While I'd be a hypocrite and a liar if I said that having a board to do that was a bad idea, I think it is a bad idea to give that right to Administrators. On Wikis, Administrators are meant to be considered normal users who just happen to have special editing tools. By giving them the power to remove Good Article or even Featured Article status from articles, you're giving them far too much power than they should have. Just something (very very important) to consider. - Brandon Rhea (talk) 21:02, 4 July 2008 (UTC)
- I'm planning to change this later and give a specific group of users that privilege; I haven't yet because there aren't many active users. Drewton
(Drewton's Holocron) 21:17, 4 July 2008 (UTC)
Well, then I don't think you really need to worry about revoking GA status from articles yet. I think the best thing you can do at this point is say that the entire membership of the wiki can revoke it if need be, and then once you get enough members you can vote on the creation of a GA oversight board. - Brandon Rhea (talk) 21:25, 4 July 2008 (UTC)